Cooking with Mike: Canteen Beans

If you ever cooked with Mike, you know about his love of canteen cups, and chances are you already have one of Mike-issued canteen cup that you are expected to bring to all UHC cooking instances (which happens in almost every event we host).

In the video below check out how to cook dried beans in a canteen cup over a raclette heated by 3 candles.

Since dried beans takes a long time to soften, Mike took a few steps to help along the cooking process:

  1. Soaked the black beans overnight, dump out the water in morning.

  2. Rinse the beans quickly in boiling water then put on raclette with three candles burning with fresh water and cover the canteen.

  3. When it got to a simmer boil, Mike added oregano, steak seasoning, parsley, taco seasoning and sesame oil. Essentially, season the beans during cooking so the flavor has a chance to penetrate into the beans.

  4. Then the beans were simmered for about 3 hours.

  5. Mike then transferred the canteen into an insulated bucket so the beans can cook further and become creamier. But after 3 hours simmering on candles they're definitely cooked.

And here’s a look of the insulated bucket— you can also experiment with less simmering time on the raclette and place into the bucket, or a few shorter simmer/bucket sessions for maximizing fuel efficiency. It’s a fun project to try out at home!

CookingWeb Master